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AUTO-VOX M3 Dash Cam & Backup Camera System

Recently I reviewed and installed a backup camera system in my Honda Odyssey that also includes dash camera recording function. This one is made by the company Auto-Vox and it’s called the M3. The kits comes with the backup rearview mirror with the color LCD display embedded behind the glass. There is a camera on the back side of the mirror which records the front view of the vehicle. There is a separate camera you need to install on the back of the vehicle which serves as the backup camera, and to record video from behind the vehicle.

The mirror simply clips onto the existing mirror, and it’s power using the cigarette lighter plug. The installation will take several hours and most of the time is spend routing the wire to the back of the vehicle for the rear camera. You will also to connect to the backup reverse light 12V which is needed to trigger the LCD display to switch to the backup view. The rear camera also has built in white LED which illuminates during nighttime for additional lighting. All in all the unit performs quite well.

Below are the 2 videos for this M3 unit. One is the review and the second video is the installation.

*Note: There is a software update you can install. Please see the description of the Youtube video for instructions.

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